형용사 부사 비교
형용사의 용법
(1) 한정적 용법 : 명사 수식
단독일 때는 명사 앞에 오고, 수식어구를 동반하면 명사 뒤에 온다.
a useful book <전치수식>
a book useful for children <후치수식>
▶ -thing/-one/-body 등의 부정대명사를 수식할 경우
단독이라도 후치한다.
something useful
(2) 서술적 용법 : 보어
The book is useful. <주격보어>
I think the book useful. <목적격보어>
서술 형용사
a-로 시작되는 형용사는 <서술적>으로만 쓰인다.
alive, alike, alone, afraid, ashamed, asleep, awake, aware, ablaze(불타는) |
That lobster is still alive.
▶ 서술 형용사가 명사를 수식하는 경우 명사 뒤에 온다.
an alive lobster (X)
→ a lobster alive (O)
→ a live/living lobster (O)
전치사적 형용사
전치사처럼 뒤에 목적어를 취한다.
near, worth, like, unlike |
My house is near the subway station.
The book is not worth the price.
= The book is not worthy of the price.
He is like his father.
= He and his father are alike. <서술 형용사>
형용사의 어순
전치한정사 + 한정사 + 수사 + 일반형용사 + 명사 |
both these first two large English flowers
(1) 전치한정사
all, both, half, 배수사(double, twice, three times) |
all, both, half 뒤에는 전치사 of가 올 수 있지만,
배수사 뒤에는 of가 올 수 없다.
all (of) these books
both (of) his parents
half (of) the budget
double of the price (X)
→ double the price (O)
(2) 서수 + 기수
the first three lessons
(3) 일반형용사의 어순
.ⅰ) 주관적 판단 + 객관적 판단
authentic Chinese food
typical large houses
.ⅱ) 대소 + 성상 + 신구 + 색깔 + 재료․소속
a little old red car
so/as/too/how + 형용사 + a + 명사
It was so fine a day that we took a walk.
This is as interesting a story as that.
This is too difficult a book for me to read.
How nice a house it is!
▶ such/what/quite/rather + a + 형용사 + 명사
It was such a fine day that we took a walk.
What a nice house it is!
It is quite/rather a good thing.
수사 표현
(1) 순서가 있는 경우
명사 + 기수 = the + 서수 + 명사 |
World War Ⅱ = World War Two / the Second World War
chapter Ⅲ = chapter three / the third chapter
(2) 순서가 없는 경우
명사 + 기수 |
Room 5 = room five (O) / the fifth room (X)
Gate 8 = Gate eight
Track 4 = Track four
Flight 15 = Flight fifteen
▶ 인명 + 숫자 : 서수로 읽는다.
Elizabeth Ⅱ = Elizabeth the second
주의해야 할 형용사
(1) high나 low를 수식어나 보어로 취하는 명사
price, salary, speed, rate, demand, supply |
The price is expensive. .(X)
→ The price is high. (O)
The speed of the plane is slow. (X)
→ The speed of the plane is low. (O)
(2) large와 small을 이용하여 수량을 표현하는 명사
number, amount, quantity, family, audience, population |
The number of cars in New York is many. (X)
→ The number of cars in New York is large. (O)
The population of the town is little. .(X)
→ The population of the town is small. (O)
혼동하기 쉬운 형용사
(1) beneficial : 유익한, 이로운(= advantageous)
beneficent : 인정 많은(= benevolent)
(2) childish : 유치한(= immature)
childlike : 어린이다운, 순진한(= innocent)
(3) comparable : 비교할 수 있는, 필적하는
comparative : 비교의, 비교적인(= relative)
(4) confident : 확신하는, 자신 있는(= sure, certain)
confidential : 은밀한, 비밀의(= secret)
(5) considerable : 상당한, 중요한(= substantial, important)
considerate : 이해심이 많은, 사려 깊은(= thoughtful)
(6) credible : 믿을 만한(= believable)
credulous : 잘 믿는, 속기 쉬운(= gullible)
(7) desirable : 바람직한(= advisable)
desirous : 바라는, 원하는(= hopeful)
(8) economic : 경제(학)의
economical : 경제적인, 절약하는(= thrifty, frugal)
(9) enviable : 부러워할 만한
envious : 부러워하는
(10) healthy : 건강한(= in good health)
healthful : 건강에 좋은(= good for health)
(11) historic : 역사적인, 역사적으로 유명한
historical : 역사의, 역사를 다루는
(12) imaginable : 상상할 수 있는
imaginative : 상상력이 풍부한
imaginary : 상상의, 가상의
(13) industrial : 산업의, 공업의
industrious : 근면한(= diligent, assiduous)
(14) ingenuous : 솔직한(= frank), 순진한(= innocent)
ingenious : 영리한(= clever), 독창력이 있는
..(15) intelligent : 지적인, 총명한, 지능이 있는
intellectual : (사람이) 지적인, 총명한
intelligible : 이해할 수 있는, 알기 쉬운
(= comprehensible)
. .(16) literal : 문자의, 글자 그대로의
literary : 문학의, 문학적인
literate : 읽고 쓸 줄 아는, 학식 있는
..(17) momentary : 순간적인(= temporary)
momentous : 중요한, 중대한(= important)
..(18) practical : 실제적인, 실용적인
practicable : 실행할 수 있는
..(19) respectable : 존경할 만한, 훌륭한(= honorable)
respectful : 공손한, 예의 바른(= polite)
respective : 각각의, 각자의(= individual)
.(20) sensible : 분별 있는, 현명한(= reasonable, wise)
sensitive : 민감한(= susceptible)
sensual : 관능적인, 육욕의
sensuous : 감각적인, 심미적인
sensational : 선풍적인, 선정적인
.(21) successful : 성공적인
successive : 연속적인(= consecutive)
.(22) tolerable : 참을 수 있는(= bearable)
tolerant : 관대한(= lenient)
부사의 기능
동사, 형용사, 부사를 수식한다.
She sang perfectly. . .<동사 수식>
Her voice is extremely sweet. .<형용사 수식>
I read his letter very carefully. <부사 수식>
▶ 문장 수식 부사 : 보통 문두에 위치
Fortunately he didn't die.
형용사와 부사의 형태가 같은 것
fast(빠른; 빨리), early(이른; 일찍), late(늦은; 늦게) hard(열심인; 열심히), high(높은; 높게) |
He was late for work. <형용사>
He got up late this morning. <부사>
He ran as fastly as possible. (X)
→ He ran as fast as possible. . (O)
→ He ran as quickly as possible. .(O)
-ly가 있는 부사와 없는 경우 뜻이 달라지는 경우
(1) late(늦게) - lately(최근에)
He arrived late for the train.
I haven't seen her lately.
(2) hard(열심히) - hardly(거의 ~하지 않다)
He works very hard.
He hardly works at the weekend.
▶ rare(드문) - rarely(좀처럼 ~하지 않다)
This is a rare event. <형용사>
He rarely drinks. <부사>
(3) most(가장) - mostly(주로)
Which part of the concert did you like most?
My friends are mostly doctors.
(4) high(높게) - highly(매우)
The bird flew high.
That book is highly recommended.
(5) pretty(매우, 꽤) - prettily(예쁘게)
This pie is pretty good.
She is prettily dressed today.
※ -ly 형용사
friendly(우호적인), lovely(사랑스러운), costly(값비싼), orderly(정돈된), lively(쾌활한), likely(있음직한) |
They look friendly and peacefully. .(X)
→ They look friendly and peaceful. (O)
부사의 위치
(1) 동사 수식
문미에 위치. 동사 강조시 동사 앞에 올 수 있다.
I admit my mistake frankly.
I frankly admit my mistake.
▶ 타동사와 목적어 사이에는 부사를 쓸 수 없다.
I admit frankly my mistake. (X)
그러나 목적어가 긴 경우 타동사와 목적어 사이에 부사가 온다.
I admit frankly that I made a mistake.
(2) 빈도․정도부사 : 일반동사 앞, be동사․조동사 뒤
always, often, frequently, usually, sometimes, hardly, scarcely, seldom, rarely, ever, never, nearly, almost, completely, certainly |
I always go to church on Sunday.
He is often absent from school.
I am so tired that I can hardly walk.
I have seldom seen her.
The task is almost finished.
(3) enough : 형용사, 부사 뒤에서 수식
He is not enough old to drive a car. (X)
→ He is not old enough to drive a car. (O)
(4) yet, still
부정문에서 yet은 부정어 뒤에 오지만, still은 부정어 앞에 온다.
He hasn't finished the work yet.
He still hasn't finished the work.
부사구가 겹칠 때의 어순
(1) 방법 + 장소 + 시간
She sang perfectly / in the town hall / last night.
▶ 왕래발착동사 뒤에서는 <장소 + 방법 + 시간>
I arrived here / safely / yesterday.
(2) 시간 부사가 겹칠 때는 <짧은 시간 + 긴 시간>의 순서로 한다.
He was born at 6 p.m. / on June 12th / in 1972.
(1) very : 형용사․부사의 원급, 현재분사 수식
He is very old.
The book is very interesting.
▶ 형용사화된 과거분사는 very로 수식
She had a very annoyed look on her face.
(2) much : 형용사․부사의 비교급/최상급, 과거분사, 동사, 부사구 수식
He is much older than you.
He is much the best student in his class.
I am much interested in this novel.
I don't like the idea much.
Much to my surprise, he failed in the exam.
▶ too much + 명사(불가산명사)
much too + 형용사/부사
The little boy has too much money.
It is much too hot to go for a walk.
too, either
「또한」의 뜻으로 too는 긍정문에, either는 부정문에 쓴다.
John can speak English, too.
John can't speak English, either.
ago와 before
(1) ago
<시간 + ago>의 형태로 항상 과거시제와 쓴다.
I met her two years ago.
(2) before
단독일 때는 <과거․현재완료․과거완료>에 모두 쓰이며, <시간 + before>일 때는 과거완료와 쓴다.
I met/have met/had met her before.
I had met her two years before.
혼동하기 쉬운 부사
(1) well 부사 :「잘, 훌륭하게, 좋게」
. 형용사 :「건강한」
good : 형용사로만 쓰인다
He plays the piano well. <부사>
I'm not very well today. <형용사>
It is good of you to invite me.
(2) sometime :「언젠가」
sometimes :「때때로」
Our house was built sometime around 1900.
My friend sometimes writes to me.
(3) formerly :「이전에」
formally :「정식으로」
Peru was formerly ruled by the spanish.
Mr. Wright has formally accepted the job.
전치사 사용 불가 부사
home, abroad, overseas, upstairs, downstairs, downtown |
go to home (X) → go home (O)
go to overseas (X) → go overseas (O)
원급 비교
(1) 동등 비교
as + 형용사[부사] + as as + 형용사 + a + 명사 + as |
Mary is as pretty as Jenny.
Henry sings as well as John.
Mary is as pretty a girl as Jenny.
▶ the same (+ 명사) + as
My dress is the same color as yours.
This color is the same as that.
(2) 열등 비교 : <not so[as] ~ as>
Mary is not so[as] pretty as Jenny.
▶ 긍정문에서 <so ~ as>는 쓸 수 없다.
Mary is so pretty as Jenny. (X)
배수 비교
배수사 + as + 원급 + as 배수사 + 비교급 + than 배수사 + the + 명사 + of |
The river is three times as long as the Thames.
= The river is three times longer than the Thames.
= The river is three times the length of the Thames.
▶ twice(2배)의 경우에는 뒤에 <비교급 + than>은 쓰지 못하고,
반드시 <as ~ as>를 써야 한다.
She has twice more money than you. (X)
→ She has twice as much money as you. (O)
원급 비교의 관용 표현
(1) as ~ as S + can = as ~ as possible :「가능한 한 ~」
I ran as fast as I could.
= I ran as fast as possible.
▶ <as ~ as (~) can be> :「매우 ~한」
He is as poor as (poor) can be.
(2) not so much A as B = not A so much as B :
「A라기 보다는 B」(= B rather than A)
He is not so much a singer as a dancer.
= He is not a singer so much as a dancer.
= He is a dancer rather than a singer.
(3) as many/as much :「같은 수의/같은 양의」
I waited for ten minutes; it seemed as many hours.
▶ as ~ as + 수사 :「~씩이나, 무려」
I bought as many as twenty books.
She played the piano as long as four hours.
(4) as good as :「~와 다름없는」(= no better than)
He is as good as a beggar.
= He is no better than a beggar.
원급의 최상급 표현
(1) as ~ as any + 명사 :「어느 누구 못지 않게 ~한」
He is as brave as any man in the village.
(2) as ~ as ever + 과거동사 :
「지금까지 ~한 누구에게도 못지 않은」
He is as great a politician as ever lived.
비교급․최상급 만드는 법
(1) -er, -est를 붙이는 경우 →
1음절어, -y/-er/-le/-ow로 끝나는 2음절어
strong - stronger - strongest
early - earlier - earliest
clever - cleverer - cleverest
noble - nobler - noblest
narrow - narrower - narrowest
(2) more, most를 붙이는 경우 → 2음절 이상
useful - more useful - most useful
difficult - more difficult - most difficult
▶ <형용사+ly>인 부사는 more, most를 붙인다.
slowly - more slowly - most slowly
(3) 불규칙 변화
good/well - better - best
bad/ill - worse - worst
many/much - more - most
little - less - least
혼동하기 쉬운 비교급․최상급
(1) old - older - oldest <나이>
- elder - eldest <손위>
He is older than I.
He is my elder brother.
(2) far - farther - farthest <거리>
.- further - furthest <정도>
As I was tired, I couldn't walk any farther.
We must get further information.
(3) late - later - latest <시간>
- latter - last .<순서>
He came later than she.
the latter part of the story
the latest news <최근의 소식>
the last news <마지막 소식>
(1) 우등 비교 : <비교급 + than>
He is stronger than I.
Betty is more beautiful than Judy.
(2) 열등 비교 : <less + 원급 + than>
Mary is less tall than Sally.
※ 동일한 대상의 두 가지 성질을 비교할 때는 음절에 관계없이 <more ~ than>을 쓴다.
He is more clever than wise.
= He is clever rather than wise.
the + 비교급
(1) the + 비교급 + of the two
John is the taller of the two boys.
(2) (all) the + 비교급 + 이유 부사구/절
I like him all the better for his kindness.
She is none the happier because she is pretty.
▶ none the less for = no less for :「~에도 불구하고」
I love him none the less for his faults.
(3) The + 비교급 ~, the + 비교급 … :
「~하면 할수록 더욱 …하다」
반드시 앞 뒤 문장 구조가 같아야 한다.
The wiser one grows, the more modest one becomes.
The more precise a writer's words (are),
the more effective the communication (is).
The sooner, the better.
라틴어 비교급
-or로 끝나는 형용사는 그 자체가 비교급의 뜻을
지닌 것으로 than 대신에 전치사 to를 쓴다.
∙superior(우수한) - inferior(열등한) ∙senior(연상의) - junior(연하의) ∙major(큰) - minor (작은) ∙exterior(외부의) - interior(내부의) ∙prior(앞의) - posterior(뒤의) |
He is three years senior to me.
= He is senior to me by three years.
비교급의 관용 표현
(1) A no more B than C = A not B any more than C :
「A가 B가 아닌 것은 C가 B가 아닌 것과 같다」
A no less B than C :
「A가 B인 것은 C가 B인 것과 같다」
She is no more beautiful than her sister.
She is no less beautiful than her sister.
= She is as beautiful as her sister.
A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.
= A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is.
A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is.
(2) no more than :「겨우」(= only)
no less than :「~씩이나」(= as much as)
not more than :「많아야」(= at most)
not less than :「적어도」(= at least)
He has no more than 20 dollars.
He has no less than 20 dollars.
He has not more than 20 dollars.
He has not less than 20 dollars.
(3) 긍정문 + much/still more
부정문 + much/still less
「~은 말할 것도 없이」(= let alone)
He can speak English, much more French.
He cannot speak French, much less English.
(4) no longer = not ~ any longer :「더 이상 ~않다」
He lives here no longer.
= He does not live here any longer.
최상급은 비교 대상이 <셋 이상>일 때 쓴다.
(1) the + 최상급 + of + (all) 복수명사
She is the most beautiful of all the girls.
(2) the + 최상급 + in + 장소
New York is the largest city in the world.
(3) the + 최상급 + 명사 + that ~ ever
She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.
(4) 소유격 + 최상급 + 명사
New York is the world's largest city.
(5) the + 서수 + 최상급
Busan is the second largest city in Korea.
(6) one of the + 최상급 + 복수명사
He is one of the richest men in the city.
최상급에 the를 붙이지 않는 경우
(1) 동일인[물]의 성질 비교
The lake is deepest at this point.
cf. The lake is the deepest in Korea.
(2) 부사의 최상급
My mother gets up earliest in our family.
(3) 소유격 뒤
He is my best friend.
※ (a) most + 형용사/부사 :「매우」(= very)
most + 명사 :「대부분의」
The girl is most charming.
This is a most useful book.
Most people believed it.
최상급의 의미를 나타내는 원급/비교급
A ~비교급 than any other + 단수명사 A ~비교급 than anyone/anything else 부정주어 + so + 원급 + as A 부정주어 + 비교급 + than A = A ~ the + 최상급 |
Tom is the tallest boy in his class.
= Tom is taller than any other boy in his class.
= Tom is taller than anyone else in his class.
= No boy in his class is so tall as Tom.
= No boy in his class is taller than Tom.
비교급․최상급 강조 부사
(1) much/even/still/far/yet/a lot + 비교급 :「훨씬 더」
I like tea much better than coffee.
(2) much/by far/the very + 최상급 :「단연코 가장 ~한」
He is much/by far the best runner in our class.
= He is the very best runner in our class.
비교급/최상급을 쓸 수 없는 형용사
perfect, complete, unique(유일한, 독특한), favorite, excellent, absolute, exquisite(절묘한) |
It was the most perfect performance. (X)
→ It was a perfect performance. .(O)
(1) Richard Wagner had the emotional stability of a ten-years-old child.
(2) The sword that has been tempered by the master may be as hard as ordinary swords five times.
(3) Business has never been as better as it is now.
(4) We were enough fortunate to visit the Grand Canyon, that has much beautiful landscape.
(5) The premature aged wife was coming to be the exception rather than the rule.
(6) Students brave enough to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills.
(7) Although Linda tried hard in the exam, she did much worse than her brother.
(8) Of the two shirts, I‟d like to choose the less expensive one.
(9) There are usually more men in your life whom you would like to get rid of as those whom you are dying to meet.
(10) The Vietnamese Communist regime, long weakened by regionalism and corruption, can barely control the relentless destruction of the country‟s forests, which are home to some of the most spectacular wild species in Asia, including the java rhinoceros, dagger-horned goats, as well as new discovered animals previously unknown to Western science.
13. 형용사, 부사, 비교
(1) Richard Wagner had the emotional stability of a ten-years-old child. (X)
(2) The sword that has been tempered by the master may be as hard as ordinary swords five times.(X)
-> five times as hard as ordinary swords
(3) Business has never been as better as it is now. (X)
(4) The older you become, the more it is difficult to learn foreign language. (X)
->the more difficult it is
(5) The premature aged wife was coming to be the exception rather than the rule. (X)
(6) Students brave enough to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills. (O)
(7) Although Linda tried hard in the exam, she did much worse than her brother. (O)
(8) Of the two shirts, I’d like to choose the less expensive one. (O)
(9) There are usually more men in your life whom you would like to get rid of as those whom you are dying tomeet. (X) -> than
(10) ~ as well as new discovered animals previously unknown to Western science. (X)
-> newly
(11) As artists, what drives us is the desire to make our lives to run more smoothly, with less angst, fewer voids and a minimum of bother.
(12) Any manager of a group that wants to achieve a meaningful level of acceptance and commitment to a planned change must present the rationale for the contemplated change as clear as possible.
(13) Having just learned to drive and hard ever having the opportunity to use car, I readily accepted.
(14) Bats are surprising long-lived creatures, some having a life expectancy of around twenty years.
(15) Younger students who participated in the survey sponsored by a weekly magazine turned out to be less concerned about the serious problems of homeless people as the older students were.
(16) Admiring critics speak of him sometimes as “manly” or courageously.”
(17) They show that he learned a few Latin and that he acquired some of the basic elements of good conduct. .
(18) John took carefully notes of all the presentations throughout the conference.
(19) More recently examples are the impact of Darwinian biology and Freudian psychology.
(20) Mary is no more experienced in marketing than John. (John처럼 Mary도 마케팅에 경험이 없다. )
(11) As artists, what drives us is the desire to make our lives to run more smoothly, with less angst, fewer voids and a minimum of bother. (X) ->run
(12) Any manager of a group that wants to achieve a meaningful level of acceptance and commitment to a planned change //must present the rationale for(전명구) the contemplated change as clear as possible. (X) (as as 떼고 해석해보고 부사인지 형용사인지 판단한다)
-> clearly
(13) Having just learned to drive and hard ever having the opportunity to use car, I readily accepted. (X)
(14) Bats are surprising long-lived creatures, some having a life expectancy of around twenty years. (X)
(15) Younger students who participated in the survey sponsored by a weekly magazine turned out to be less concerned about the serious problems of homeless people as the older students were. (X)
(16) Admiring critics speak of him sometimes as “manly” or courageously.” (X) (as다음이 형용사 5형식 목적격보어자리)
(17) They show that he learned a few Latin and that he acquired some of the basic elements of good conduct. .(X)
->a little
(18) John took carefully notes of all the presentations throughout the conference. (X)
(19) More recently examples are the impact of Darwinian biology and Freudian psychology. (X)
(20) Mary is no more experienced in marketing than John. (John처럼 Mary도 마케팅에 경험이 없다. )(O)
(21) He cannot so much as write his own name. (그는 자기 이름조차 쓰지 못한다.)
(22) He is not so much unintelligent as uneducated. (그는 머리가 둔하다기보다는 교육을 받지 못했다.)
(23) She felt that she was good swimmer as he was, if not better.
(24) No other man is faster than Bolt in the whole world.
(25) Thomas Edison believed, "There is no failure until you fail to keep trying," and he experienced hundred failed experiments for each success.
(26) I felt such nervous that I couldn‟t concentrate on my work.
(27) Advertising shapes our perception of the world as surely as architecture shapes our impression of a city.
(28) This 200-feet-high bell tower is an architectural landmark of San Diego.
(29) She is more beautiful than any other girl in the class.
(30) She would be the last person to go along with the plan. (그녀는 그 계획을 계속 따라 갈 사람이 결코 아닐 것이다.)
(21) He cannot so much as write his own name. (그는 자기 이름조차 쓰지 못한다.)(O)
(22) He is not so much unintelligent as uneducated. (그는 머리가 둔하다기보다는 교육을 받지 못했다.)(O)
(23) She felt that she was good swimmer as he was, if not better. (X)
-> as good a swimmer as
(24) No other man is faster than Bolt in the whole world.(O)
(25) Thomas Edison believed, "There is no failure until you fail to keep trying," and he experienced hundreds failed experiments for each success.(X)
-> hundreds of
(26) I felt such nervous that I couldn’t concentrate on my work. (X)
(27) Advertising shapes our perception of the world as surely as architecture shapes our impression of a city.(O)
(28) This 200-feet-high bell tower is an architectural landmark of San Diego.(X)
-> 200-foot-high
(29) She is more beautiful than any other girl in the class. (O) (걸즈하면 아님)
(30) She would be the last person to go along with the plan. (그녀는 그 계획을 계속 따라 갈 사람이 결코 아닐것이다.)(O)
(31)Tom made so firm a decision that it was no good trying to persuade him.
(32) It is the duty of all public servants to ensure that the public’s money is spent as efficient as possible and that programs are provided effectively.
(33) You have more money than I.
(34) Your son’s hair is the same color as you.
(35) The predictable patterns allow beginning second language readers to become involved immediate in a literacy event in their second language.
(36) However, a person from another culture might read the letters different, not unconsciously supplying the letter R and, hence, arriving at an entirely different interpretation of the letters.
(37) The lack of oxygen in the air would make them dizzy, and, perhaps, unconsciously.
(31) Tom made so firm a decision that it was no good trying to persuade him. (O)
(32) It is the duty of all public servants to ensure that the public’s money is spent as efficient as possible and that programs are provided effectively.(X)
(33) You have more money than I. (O) (아이, 미 둘다 나올수 있는데 주격이기에 아이)
(34) Your son’s hair is the same color as you. (X)
(35) The predictable patterns allow beginning second language readers to become involved immediate in a literacy event in their second language.(X)
(36) However, a person from another culture might read the letters different, ~ (X)
(37) The lack of oxygen in the air would make them dizzy, and, perhaps, unconsciously. (X)
-> unconscious