
Posted by 기자 =.=
2017. 3. 23. 01:50 영어/1 문법 어법

󰊱 <추측>의 조동사

may :「~일 지도 모른다

must :「~임에 틀림없다

cannot :「~일 리가 없다

The rumor may be true.

= It is possible that the rumor is true.


The rumor must be true.

= It is certain that the rumor is true.


The rumor cannot be true.

= It is impossible that the rumor is true.


󰊲 조동사의 대용

(1) can be able to

She can speak English very well.

= She is able to speak English very well.


be able to는 사물 주어 불가

Water is able to freeze. (X)


(2) must have to = have got to

You must go there.

= You have to go there.

= You have got to go there.


must의 과거 had to

I must meet her yesterday. (X)

I had to meet her yesterday. (O)



󰊳 need

(1) need to V : 일반동사로 쓰이는 경우

He needs to call me.


(2) need not + 원형 : 조동사로 쓰이는 경우

He needs not call me. (X)

He need not call me. (O)



󰊴 used to

(1) 과거의 규칙적인 습관 :「~하곤 했다

She used to go to the museum on Sundays.


would : 과거의 불규칙적인 습관

He would often go climbing on Sundays.


(2) 과거의 지속적인 상태 :전에는 이었다

There used to be a tall tree near here.


be used to + ()명사 :「~에 익숙하다

He is used to driving a car.








󰊵 had betterwould rather

(1) had better + 원형 :「~하는 것이 좋겠다

You had better see the doctor.


(2) would rather + 원형 :차라리 하겠다

would rather A than B :B하느니 차라리 A하겠다

I would rather go tomorrow.

I would rather stay at home than go there.


부정은 had better not, would rather not으로 한다.

You had better not go there after dark.

I would rather not go out.



󰊶 정중한 표현

정중한 표현에는 조동사의 과거형을 쓴다.

Would you open the window? <will보다 정중한 표현>


would like/love/prefer to :「~하고 싶다

want의 정중한 표현으로, like, love, preferwould와 함께 쓰이지만 will과 함께 쓸 수 없다.

Will you like to have coffee with me? (X)

Would you like to have coffee with me? .(O)



󰊷 that + S + (should) + 원형

should가 생략되면 가정법현재의 <동사원형>이 온다

(1) 동사

주장하다 : insist, urge

요구하다 : ask, demand, require, request

명령하다 : order, command

제안하다 : suggest, propose, move

충고하다 : advise, recommend

결정하다 : decide

He insisted that I (should) be present at the meeting.

He demands that she (should) help him.

He ordered that I (should) start at once.

He suggested that the money (should) be used for books.

He advised that I (should) not buy the car.



. ) insist가 사실을 주장할 때

He insisted that he was present at the meeting.

. ) suggest<암시하다>의 뜻일 때

Her words suggests that she loves him.


(2) 명사 : (1)의 명사형

He made a suggestion that we (should) leave early.


(3) 형용사 : 이성적 판단


urgent(긴급한), advisable/desirable(바람직한),

important, natural, proper(적절한)

It is necessary that he (should) go there in a minute.






󰊸 조동사 + have p.p

.(1) 과거의 추측

may have p.p :「~했을지도 모른다

must have p.p :「~했음에 틀림없다

cannot have p.p :「~했을리가 없다

She's late. I think she may have missed the train.

I didn't hear it. I must have been asleep.

You cannot have met him. He was here at that time.


(2) 과거의 유감

should/ought to have p.p :「~했어야 했는데

would rather have p.p :「~하는 게 나았을텐데

need not have p.p :「~할 필요는 없었는데

You should have come earlier.

I would rather have stayed at home.

He need not have hurried.


(3) 가정법적 표현 : 과거사실의 반대

could have p.p :「~할 수 있었는데

would have p.p :「~했을 텐데

He could have bought the house.

I would have gone with you.


조동사가 2개 이상 겹칠 경우 부정어는 첫 조동사 뒤에 온다. 

He may not have moved to Busan.

You should not have joined such a club.


󰊹 관용 표현

(1) may well :「~하는 것도 당연하다

You may well say so.


(2) may as well :「~하는 것이 좋겠다

.may as well A as B :B하는 것보다 A하는 것이 낫다

You may as well consult the doctor.

You may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly.


(3) cannot too :아무리 해도 지나치지 않다

We cannot be too careful in driving.    

(4Can not help –ing = cannot (help) but = have no choice but to +동사 원형 -하지 않을 수 없다

I can not help looking at him.

II. Step 2 기출 문제

(1) A competing firm may already offer Tom a job before we made our offer.

(2) The garden is all wet. It must rain last night.

(3) You ought not to drive if you‟re sick.

(4) I could not help pitying him.

(5) We used to going swimming in the lake.

(6) For courtesy's sake I couldn't but refuse her offer. (예의상 나는 그녀의 제안을 거절할 수 없었다.)

(7) You would be better not to do it at all than to do it that way.

(8) You don't have to have a degree to pursue your dream. (너의 꿈을 추구하기 위해 학위를 가져야 할 필요는 없다.)

(9) You cannot be too careful when it comes to safety. (안전에 대해서는 아무리 주의를 기울여도 지나치지 않다.)

(10) I should not have gone to the party. (난 그 파티에 가지 말았어야 했다.)

6. 조동사

(1) A competing firm may already offer Tom a job before we made our offer. (X)

->may have already offered

(2) The garden is all wet. It must rain last night. (X)

->must have rained

(3) You ought not to drive if you’re sick. (O)

(4) I could not help pitying him. (O)

(5) We used to going swimming in the lake. (X)


(6) For courtesy's sake I couldn't but refuse her offer. (예의상 나는 그녀의 제안을 거절할 수 없었다.) (X)

->but삭제 (이중부정은 긍정)

(7) You would be better not to do it at all than to do it that way. (X)

->would rather not do 

-> do

(8) You don't have to have a degree to pursue your dream. (너의 꿈을 추구하기 위해 학위를 가져야 할 필요는없다.) (O)

(9) You cannot be too careful when it comes to safety. (안전에 대해서는 아무리 주의를 기울여도 지나치지 않다.)(O)

(10) I should not have gone to the party. (난 그 파티에 가지 말았어야 했다.) (O)

(11) He must have known the truth in advance. (그는 그 사실을 미리 알고 있었음에 틀림없다.)

(12) He could have done such a stupid thing. (그가 그렇게 어리석은 짓을 했을 리가 없다.)

(13) Since there were no light on the laboratory, they must have left early. (실험실에 불빛이 하나도 없는 것을 보니 그들은 분명히 일찍 떠났을 것이다.)

(14) Having no money in his wallet, he had no choice but to walk more than ten kilometers. (지갑에 돈이 없었기 때문에 그는 10 킬로미터 이상을 걸어가지 않을 수 없었다. )

(15) In spite of the wonderful acting, sensitive photographs and well-developed plot the three-hour movie could not holds our attention.

(16) You’d better to go now or you’ll be late.

(11) He must have known the truth in advance. (그는 그 사실을 미리 알고 있었음에 틀림없다.) (O)

(12) He could have done such a stupid thing. (그가 그렇게 어리석은 짓을 했을 리가 없다.) (X)

->could not have done

(13) Since there were no lights on the laboratory, they must have left early. (실험실에 불빛이 하나도 없는 것을 보니 그들은 분명히 일찍 떠났을 것이다.) (O)

(14) 지갑에 돈이 없었기 때문에 그는 10 킬로미터 이상을 걸어가지 않을 수 없었다. (Having no money in his wallet, he had no choice but to walk more than ten kilometers.) (O)

(15) In spite of the wonderful acting, sensitive photographs and well-developed plot the three-hour movie could not holds our attention. (X)


(16) You’d better to go now or you’ll be late. (X)

-> go


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